
Welcome to,
the social learning community of
the Education Law Association.

Please join us in Orlando, Florida, November 6-9, 2024. We will celebrate the association’s 70th birthday and the anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s unanimous decision, Brown v. Board of Education, that found racially segregated public schools unconstitutional. Presenters will examine the impact of this landmark decision and evaluate trends in education law and its subdisciplines.

Dear Colleagues,

We’re thrilled to share that the social learning community at now has its own mobile app! You can find it on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

    This will serve as the official app for our upcoming Reno-Tahoe conference. But don’t delete it after the event! Use the app to engage colleagues throughout the year.

    Log in just as you would on and use the app on both smartphones and tablets.

    Engage in social clubs, post updates, share academic content, and even create polls.

    Enjoy member-only access to Sections and Periodicals.

    Share your achievements, job postings, and publications in our Members’ News blog. Any reason to celebrate your accomplishments is a good one.

    We look forward to learning with and from you!


    Free access to, a social learning community.
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    Special discounts for introductory members, students, and retirees.
    • Awards
    • Book Proposal
    • Bookstore
    • Conference
    • Social Clubs
    • Paper Proposals
    • Poster Proposals
    • Roundtable Proposals
    • Webinars
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    • Committees
    • Directory
    • Discounts
    • Leadership
    • Members's Only Webinars
    • Periodicals
    • Ed Law Update
    • Special Education Alerts
    • Education Law Into Practice
    • West’s Education Law Reporter


    “Thank you for all the opportunities ELA provides and how membership has enhanced my professional activities. I began teaching school law as an adjunct professor in 2010, and the ELA's resources have been invaluable.”

    Melinda Scott Krei, Ph.D.

    Researcher and Consultant

    “During the past two decades, education administrators have been charged with implementing a vast new array of laws. For that reason, the annual ELA conference has become the most valuable meeting a school administrator can attend. This conference attracts the top people in the field of school law, and thus an attendee is presented with the latest and the best information available on what is required under current law.”

    Allan Osborne, Ed.D.

    Chair, Editorial Advisory & Authors Committees,
    West's Education Law Reporter

    “I joined the ELA as a doctoral student and attended its national conferences. When I became a professor, the opportunities I had over the years to review books and publications made available to me at the conference by vendors that I knew helped me to select my course materials.”

    Susan G. Clark, Ph.D., J.D.

    Attorney and Professor

    “Attending the Education Law Association conference was a professionally transformative experience. Colleagues were incredibly welcoming, providing valuable feedback on my research and insightful suggestions for improving projects moving forward. The conference allowed me to get further connected within the education law community, and multiple professional opportunities have emerged as a result.”

    Paula E. Chan, Ph.D.

    Assistant Professor of Teacher Education, Cleveland State University

    “My first ELA conference was in 1979, and since then, I have only missed one. In all those years, I have seldom attended a session in those conferences where I didn’t learn something. As a practicing administrator (principal, assistant superintendent, and superintendent), conference participation developed my knowledge base in school law; it spurred my later interest in becoming both a university professor and a school board attorney. Participation in ELA and its conference has brought me many professional relationships and many of my closest friends.”

    David Dagley, Ph.D., J.D.

    “Legal issues in education have profoundly impacted and shaped education policy and practice. Over the 35 years of my career, the Education Law Association has been the only learned society in education where the implications of legal decisions and laws are the primary focus. The association also brings educators, lawyers, administrators, and policymakers to the discussion. The annual conference is a forum where research and policy analysis of these legal issues can be fully explored.”

    Robert Hendrickson, Ed.D.

    “I joined ELA as a graduate student and now make a point of telling my students about ELA. I look forward to the conferences each year as they always provide the most current information on various school law issues and provide an opportunity to hear from leaders in the field. I especially appreciate getting to hear from academics, attorneys, and administrators. Sharing ideas with folks from multiple perspectives makes an ELA conference so uniquely valuable. It’s easily the best conference I attend each year. I wouldn’t miss it.”

    Julie F. Mead, Ph.D.

    Professor emeritus, University of Wisconsin-Madison

    Latest News & Updates

    Conference Registration Deadline

    Reminder: The deadline to register for the 70th Annual Conference is September, 02, 2024.

    Membership Auto-Renew Option

    You now have the option to turn on/off auto-renew for your membership.