
First Name *


Last Name *




Title *

Assistant Professor

Affiliation *

University of Texas at El Paso

Location *

El Paso, Texas, US

Handle *




Wei-Ling Sun is an assistant professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Foundations. She received a Ph.D. from the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy at The University of Texas at Austin, with a graduate portfolio in women and gender studies. Her research examines the social and political dimensions of discipline policy reforms and culturally responsive school leadership. She is currently studying sociopolitical contexts of the school-to-prison pipeline from high school principals’ perspectives and the impact of COVID-19 in borderland schools. In the summer of 2016, she was a Bill Archer Graduate Fellow with the University of Texas System, where she spent the summer working as a policy analyst with a leading civil rights organization, Advancement Project, in Washington, D.C. In the summer of 2019, American Educational Research Association (AERA) named her as a congressional fellow for 2019-20. She worked as a legislative fellow for a member of Congress and used her education research expertise to inform public policy.

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